Santa Claus
The most popular cookies left out for Mr. Santa Claus are chocolate chip and “America’s #1 Cookie,” the Oreo

The contemporary Santa Claus is mainly the by-product of commercialization and advertisements that are tied to Coca Cola, the Hollywood movie industry, Walmart sales, shopping mall photo ops, and the Internet….and we love them all!

The Coca-Cola Company began its Christmas advertising in the 1920s with shopping-related ads in American magazines like The Saturday Evening Post. The first Santa ads used a stern-looking Kris Kringle.
In 1930, artist Fred Mizen painted a department-store Santa in a crowd drinking a bottle of Coca-Cola. The ad featured the world’s largest soda fountain, which was located in the department store Famous-Barr Co. in St. Louis, Missouri. Mizen’s painting was used in print ads that holiday season, appearing in The Saturday Evening Post in December 1930.

If you want to see some amazing Santa Claus Antique postcard pictures….check out our collection.
Each year there are approximately 20,000 “rent-a-Santas” across just the United States. “Rent-a-Santas” usually undergo seasonal training on how to maintain a jolly attitude under pressure from the public. They also receive practical advice, such as not accepting money or gifts from parents while children are looking and avoiding garlic, onions, or beans for lunch…lol